Company name International Frontier Technology Laboratory, Inc. (IFTL) Capital 238,375 thousand yen Year of establishment 2005 Main store 3-8-21 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Toranomon 33 Mori Building 7th floor
Tomoko Ito, President and CEO Takashi Chuman, Director Yoshiyuki Omori, Director, Lawyer Corporation Partner / Lawyer
Executive Advisor
Nobuaki Komatsu, Previous President and CEO of IFTL, Inc.
Advisor Katsuhiko Shirai, Former President of Waseda University,
Former Directoe of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
Corporation/Doctor of Engineering Aword:Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure
Ryuichi Kitagawa, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
/ Doctor of Medicine Haruma Kawaguchi, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
/ Doctor of Engineering Tetsujiro Hayashi, Former Managing Director of Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Takahiko Ono, Former Vice President of Tokyo University of Agriculture
and Technology
/ Doctor of EngineeringHonorary Advisor Honorary advisor
Yuji Tsushima, Former member of the House of Representatives, former Minister of Health and Welfare / Lawyer Aword:Officer of the French Legion of Honor (French:Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur), Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
Kintomo Takakura, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
/ Doctor of Medicine Yoshimasa Nishimura, Former Director of Finance and Finance Research Institute,
Director of Banking Bureau, Ministry of Finance
Advisory office Tanabe Law Office Daiichi International Patent Office
Overseas Branch America Colorado Subsidiary inQs Co., Ltd. (spin-off from IFTL)